"the return of me" calls for a return of my review
Wow. All I can say is wow. It's amazing what a google search will eventually yield. I wake up one morning to find that The Lucky Stars still have not gotten over the fact that I called them out months ago for their use of banal, grammatically incorrect Japanese to get their submissions passed.
It's good to see that you're tactics haven't changed, Lucky Stars.
And while in my review of your last submission which starred me I said that I wouldn't be leaving reviews on any of your future works, I never anticipated that I would once again serve as the driving antagonist in any more of your "animations." So, let's see what I can review about this lovely little pile.
I will start out by providing a translation (or more precisely, in some instances a translation of what I'm sure you meant to say) of the film for the benefit of other viewers who don't have any knowledge of the Japanese language.
Konata: Now the crane's level is 16
Nameless Character: Konata. Konata Izumi
Konata: What?
Nameless: The Kernal wants to see you
Konata: cool.
Kernal: Morning
Konata: Good morning.
Kernal: I am currently saying that Kirby is really gay.
Konata: Yup. Ee?
Now, the text you have on the gun, or ship, or whatever it is konata is controlling, really needs to be written in Kanji. You just wrote out hakouki phonetically, which makes translation all but impossible. Even if I could decipher how to break up the word into its components, translation is still difficult. If the word was broken up 'ha' and 'kouki' it could mean 'brightness of teeth,' 'leaf fragrance,' or even ' edge school flag.' If the word was 'hakou' and 'ki' it could mean anything from 'wave height,' to 'slugishness,' to 'economic boom.' Even if it was broken up down the middle as 'hako' and 'uki' it would still mean 'box rainy-season.' My point is, you really need to look up the kanji of the word you're trying to write.
Anyway, on with the translation:
On the console of the ship: Personal Computer
At the end: End
Ok, you only misspelled 3 words, which is about 8% of your whole movie, so that's not too bad. Level should be spelled "reberu" not "reveru," Kirby is spelled "ka-bii" not "kiyabi," and personal computer is spelled "pa-sonaru konpyu-ta-" or "pasokon" for short, not "pesonaru kon." That ends up meaning something like "persona computer." I also don't know why you use the word "kan" to end your films, as Japanese filmography traditionally uses "Owari" to signify the end of a movie.
Another note of word usage: when you called me gay, you used a very childish sounding word to do so (also, the grammar was horrible in that sentence, but bad grammar seems to be your trademark). Instead of using the word "gei" which makes you sound like a kindergartener calling someone gay, you should have used the adjective "douseiai" which is much more mature sounding. I just thought I would put my two cents in on that one.
And I think that's all I can correct with your Japanese. This is probably your most ambitious project in terms of Japanese usage, which is why I gave you one star; I believe in rewarding risks when it comes to Japanese usage. It still sucked, though.
Now for the animation: Again you used minimal symbols, still had very few independantly moving component symbols, and used a high framerate when your animation style doesn't call for it. You have seemed to improve marginally in terms of drawing, but your skills at tweening and animating are still lackluster at best. I suggest designing characters with each component, like arms and legs, on seperate layers so that they can be seperately manipulated. But who am I kidding, you probably won't ever try that hard to improve, right?
Alright, well, I'm running out of characters for this review. So, thanks again for being unable to let go of your grudge against me. It's nice to see that I still have that kind of emotional power over you. Good luck, and try to take some Japanese classes; please.
As always: stealthily yours,
-The Ninjkabat (a.k.a. k1rby)