Wow, that was completely and utterly Awesome, you guys. I mean, wow, I'm so simultaneously honored and overjoyed that my pesky little reviews annoyed you enough to make a crappy flash animation starring me. That serriously made my day. I mean, how much power do I have over you that my silly little comments made you mad enough to make this little steaming pile? Truely, I must be a master of ninja mind tricks to have enraged you so much. I kinda wished you would have used my more recent online moniker - The Ninjkabat - but I'm still happy to be a part of your horrible, horrible animation.
Now, onto the review. The animation was still pretty bad, but it was better than your last two submissions, which really didn't have any seperate moving symbols after your long intro animation. This one had at least seven different symbols that I counted, which when compared to zero is an increase of infinite%. You still have quite a bit to learn about symbol tweening, as made clear by the inwardly swinging arm rotation, which is caused by the two keyframes having different centering points. It's ok, though. I can tell you don't have much practice with tweens.
On the Japanese front, I really can't say you've gotten any worse. I couldn't find any grammar mistakes, or banal sayings, and I guess if an anime series you're piggybacking on spells Lucky Star in hiragana, then you can too. I kinda wished you would have written 'keikoku' in kanji, because there are a lot of homonyms for that word, and it could also mean government, short period, or courtesian, depending on which kanji you use. But, since I think I've established that you don't know any Japanese past what your dictionary can tell you, I'm not going to split hairs over it.
Now, the plot: much improved over your last couple animations. As any literature class will teach you, conflict drives plot most of the time; and there was definitely conflict driving this plot. Your last couple submissions are boring and lame because nothing happens outside of your characters talking about nothing. In this submission, there is definitely an outward conflict that culminates in the battle sequence which makes your flash much more able-to-be-watched. If you'll notice, this submission's score broke into the low 3's, which is something that can't be said of your last two flash submissions. I'm pretty sure that the sole reason is that there actually was a plot.
And with that, I think I can end my review. Again I thank you for thinking me a big enough nuisance to make me an enemy in your flash; it is something I will not soon forget. Sadly, though, I'm afraid that this will be my last review of your work, as I'm sure any one of my reviews will be applicable to your future animations, and as I really don't have any more time to waste on you guys. Nothing personal, I just want to finish college in 4 years, which means I gotta hit the books instead of berating you like this.
Peace out, and good luck with your future "animations."
Stealthily yours,
-The Ninjkabat